Postman CLI


Postman CLI – It is a command line interface which is used to run a postman collection The use of postman CLI starts with the installation of the Postman In this topic we will see the installation, the different features and how to use Postman CLI.. The Postman CLI enable us to perform the following operations

  • Run a collection with its collection ID or path.
  • Send run results to Postman by default.
  • Supports sign in and sign out.
  • Check API definitions against configured API Governance and API Security rules

Postman CLI Usage

The following Postman CLI commands make calls to the Postman API and count toward your Postman API usage:

  • postman login – Uses one call to authenticate a user with a Postman API key.
  • postman collection run – Uses one call to fetch a collection by ID, one call to fetch an environment (if any), and one call to send data back to Postman.

Postman CLI Installation

The installation of the Postman CLI will be made for different type of operating system. The installation of the Postman CLI differ as per the operation system


powershell.exe -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy AllSigned -Command "[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))"


curl -o- "" | sh

Figure 1.0 : – Postman installation

Postman Command Options

This topic is mainly used to discuss postman basic commands. In this section. , the basic commands will be discussed one by one and learn how to use the postman command


One the postman is installed, checking the postman version is the first option.

postman -v / postman --verion

Figure 1.1 : – Postman Version


To get the most help for the postman CLI, make sure to apply the following command

postman --help / postman -h

Figure 1.2 : – Postman Help

Postman login

This command authenticates the user and locally caches the Postman API keylogin requires one option, --with-api-key, that accepts the Postman API key. The login command is required only once per session. Once you’ve signed in, you remain signed in until you use the logout command or your Postman API key expires.

postman login --with-api-key <api-key>

Figure 1.3 : – Postman Login through API

Postman logout

This command signs you out of Postman and deletes the stored API key.

postman logout

Figure 1.4 : – Postman Logout

Running Collection

This is a command used to run a collection and sends all run results and responses to Postman servers. You can specify the collection with its file path or Collection ID.

// Running only collection using Json
postman collection run /myCollectionFolderName/myCollectionFile.json 

// Running only collection using collection ID
postman collection run 12345678-12345ab-1234-1ab2-1ab2-ab1234112a12 

// Running collection along with environment ID
postman collection run 12345678-12345ab-1234-1ab2-1ab2-ab1234112a12 e 23461356-1ba80dcb-2bdd-4ced-8a2f-07a4fa00affa

Figure 1.5 : – Postman using Json / collection ID

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