Bug/s are considered to be defects that makes a product not to work correctly. The Bugs might be derived from a story that is ready for Test or a Regression Bug happened because of newly developed funcitonality breaks accidentally other funcitonality. Testes should report both of the issues because it is not making the product working as expected.
As Testers are reporting the issue, they have to use the averrable standards / templated/ formate and work items. The work items might be Incident, Bug, Regression Bug, Improvement, Impediment and so and so further.
The format/standard/template to mention while reporting are the following
- Title
- Environemnt
- Rlease
- Pre-Conditions and Steps
- Current and Expected Behavior
- Severity and/or Priority
- Released PBI/User Stories
- Logs, Screenshots, e.t.c
The title should be clear which states the core problem of the issue. It should not be general since it is not triggering anything for any person interested to understand the issue from the title.
It is a Preparation phase that requires a preparation of all the inputs data ignorer to in order to reproduce the problem. The Pre-condition has to be simple and clear to let the readers prepare all the inputs.
These are set of steps that the user or a person who is doing the fix or wants to reproduce has to pass through to understand what is not working as per the bug descriptions.
Current Behavior
It is staring the actual behavior of the product – which is not working as the user does all the stated step after the precondition.
This is a part that is more crucial for developers to understand the root cause of the issue even before beginning to start the root cause analysis or fixing phases. The logos can be obtained with different tools – Internal or External / Integrated tools. Above that it is also important to add some screenshot or video record while you are performing the stated steps.
The logos are more helpful for developer to let them get information about the problem prior to start solving the issue.
Expected Behavior
The expected behavior is considered to be the desired behavior or the expected behavior as per the user requirement. This should be. written down clearly to let the developer who is fixing the issue. Most of the time Normal Bugs are part of the user requirement in the PBI/Story. Therefore it is super easy for developer to know what it is the expected behavior.
This is one of the main property that is indicating the severity the majority or minority of the problem. This will define the seriousness of the issue interns of blocking the user from working or running the application for a major functionality and so and so forth.
This is another property that is determining the priority an issue. This means that the reported issue will get a priority to be fixed depending on the business need and the severity of the issue.