Testers Role and Responsibility


This page is mainly discussing the role and responsibility that testers should take in a product development team and activities. We will discuss the different activity that a tester should perform to achieve useful product validation and deliver a working product to end user. we will begin the discussion by defining “Who a Tester is?

Who is a Tester?

It is one of a member in product Development Team. The main task of a tester is to validate the product against the business requirements. Tester has a big role in achieving a working /quality product that customer stratify and rely on while working or using in their real business activity.

What are the Roles that a Testers have?

Testers play a lot of roles and perform different product quality related activity. Some of the main activities that a tester involves or responsible are the following

  • Looking after Product backlogged – Which is the highest Priority the tester takes in product development and delivery process This task include Testing PBI – Documentation and Testing Product Backlogged Items(PBI)/User Stories
    • Documenting and Standardizing Business Requirements through phases such as
      • Test Case Preparation
      • Test Case Review
    • Testing PBI – Product BackLogged items /User Stories
      • Functional Test
  • Reporting Bugs
  • Reporting Regression/Incidents
  • Testing Fixed Bugs
  • Performing Sanity Check
  • Performing Smoke Test
  • Performing Regression Tests for a Release
  • Developing Test Automation for a product ( UI and/or API Services)
  • NFR – Non Functional Requirement Test – Making sure that the product services are reliable, responsive with the best throughput and scalability.
  • And other activities that could make the tester duty and responsibility more effective and efficient such as
    • Documentation of Testing Practices and Standards,
    • Preparing manuals and Training Module used to train and share knowledge for testers and other contents and Resources as per the need and knowledge of the team.

Testers Daily Routines

Testers have responsibility to look after the product functionality and document all developed requirements. The activity of a tester should be planned in advance and change accordingly in a manner to adopt the actual situation happening in. a development team.

Tasters begin their sprint activity attending Sprint Planning. The Sprint Planning let the testers understand the stories and priorities in the current Sprint. After the kick start of the sprint, The testers do the following steps until the story reaches to DODDefinition Of Done. The activities that tester engaged as follow

  • STEP – 1
    • Analysis – Testers start to read all the requirement of the stories – (Keep in mind that the tester is already aware the story in a Sprint Grooming). (In this phase, testes should understand the entire requirement of the story and clear out all the doubts discussing with other colleagues or product specialist).Once the testers complete their analysis, the next step – STEP-2 will start
  • STEP-2
    • Test Case Preparation – This is a phase that is letting the testers to document business requirements across different sprint/ development phase of a product. To document, the testers should check already existing business requirement or make sure that this is the new business requirement entirely. Such a chick is important to determine either to create a new Test Case or Update already Existing Test Case. To determine that , Testes perform the following two things
      • Finding the appropriate Test Case if there are and Update the test cases with the latest implemented behavior of the product/requirements .
      • OR if there are no existing test cases, creating New Test Case to document the new requirements.
    • Once the documentation is over, the next step – STEP-3 will begin once it is confirmed that the functionality is developed and ready for Test.
  • STEP-3
    • Functional Test – This is a phase that the new developed feature is ready to be tested. Therefore the tester should perform the following activity
      • Test each scenarios carefully as per documented requirement.
      • As part of testing, testes do a little regression check across the boundaries of the new development to make sure nothing broken or something new issue not introduced.
      • And once all the scenarios are covered successfully and no regression is introduced because of the new development, it is time to confirm that the PBI/User Story is ready to be Done- DOD – Definition of Done.

The daily routine of a tester is not over, it has also other responsibility. Some of the crucial activities that testers do are the following

Routine Checks – Testes on a Daily basis have to check the product is working as expected. Such a check is one of the many activities of the tester and it is super crucial. The Routine Check mainly addressing the major functionality of a product. These functionalities are considered as Critical or High interns of customer usage priorities.

Report Regression Bug.. Routine Check will help testers to find any regression introduced during the new developments added to the product. Testers have to report these bugs introduced due to new development deployed to last product version. Reporting of the regression Bug should have the following details

  • Title
  • Environemnt
  • Rlease
  • Pre-Conditions and Steps
  • Current and Expected Behavior
  • Severity and/or Priority
  • Released PBI/User Stories
  • Logs, Screenshots, e.t.c

Note :- Further Detail will be discussed in another section – Bugs

The reporting of the regression bug has to be made following the standards using the appropriate work items. Some of the work items to be used are the following such as Incident, Bug, Regression Bug, Improvement, Impediment and so and so further.

Testing Fixed Regression Bug – Once the Regression Bugs are fixed and ready to be tested, the testers should start testing. In the test of the regression bug , make sure also to address some extra check across the fix area to make sure it is working as expected not only the fix but also the functionality around the fixed areas..

Scripting Automation : – This is another task that a tester should do in parallel as part of sprint activity. This activity will benefit testers to avoid running a manual test and perform a continue testing for new development in CI/CD process. The Automation Script will let us to test product services and/or any UI functionality that the product support.

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