
Markup – Acronym and Abbreviation

Acronym and abbreviation

are the two tags used for providing descriptive text for abbreviated terms used inside of the paragraph. The tags used for this purpose are <acronym></acronym> and <abbr></abbr>. Inside of these two tags , there is a attribute called titleused for writing down the description of the abbreviated term. The description will be displayed in the case that the user point the mouse over the term.

Syntax : -

<acronym title=”acronym description”>acronym</acronym>
<abbr title=”abbreviation description”>abbreviation</abbr>

Example : -

<acronym title=”United State Of America”> U.S.A </acronym>
<abbr title=”Africa Union”> A.U</abbr>

Markup – Definition, Citation

Definition and Citation

Definition is useful in the case that there is a term to define inside a paragraph. The tag responsible for doing this kind of work is <def></def>. The term to be defined has to be in between the tag.

The application of the tag will be as follow

Syntax : -
<def> Term </def>
<p> definition of the term</p>
Example : -

<def> HTML-Hypertext Mark-up Language</def>
<p>It is a Markup Language used to create an web document having different structure.</p>


It is tag used to write down the reference address from where the content belongs or originally obtained. The tag for used for writing down such a content is <cite></cite>. The application of the tag changes the content presentation to give the content a special effect or special meaning.

Syntax : -
<cite> source of the content</cite>
Example : -
<p><cite>National Geography</cite> Care has to be taken for forests in the entire world. Since industry and people use the forest very much for different purpose without being more concern.</p>

Markup – Change Content

Change Content

There are two tags responsible to add new value inside the content of the page without removing the old content.The effect the tags append the new content next to the old content by putting a line over/through the old content. These two tags are <del></del> and <ins> </ins> respectively or <s></s>.

Syntax : -

<p><del> text to be cancelled</del><ins> text to be inserted</ins></p>
Example: -

<p>High Discount <del>$400.00</del><ins>$299.00</ins></p>

Or alternatively it is possible to use a tag <s> </s>. This tag is making the same kind of effect for the old content while adding the new content. The following lines show how the tag is applied

Syntax : -

<p><s> previous value </s> new value </p>
Example : -

<p>The price was <s>$100,000.00</s>. But now, It is $200,000.00 in a month.</p>

Markup – Address tag


It is used to write down address information inside the page along with other content of the page. The tags used to write this kind of information is <address></address>. The content written using the <address></address>tag has a special effect. Information written inside this tag are addresses like telephone number, email address,steet information or other relevant information that could express the thing that we want to inform for people. The application of the address tag is as follow

Syntax : -
<address> address to be mentioned </address>
Example : -
<address> E-mail: -
Telephone : - 0251-114567
URL : -</address>

Usage of the <address></address> tags is more applicable at the bottom section of the page specially footer section.

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