Test Case


This page is mainly discussing about the documentation process that a tester perform in the development team. Documentation is a key activity that a tester should perform ignorer to track the change of requirement over a period of release.

Test Case Preparation/Documentation of Business Requirement

As a Tester when new requirements are supposed to be developed, it is mandatory to document the requirement through the process of Test Case Preparation. This is good practices to document produce increment. It is performed in every sprint or as part of release activity. The Test Case Preparation performed by either creating a new test case or update an existing test case. This activity is called Documentation/Test Case Preparation.

Testers do this kind of activity create a separate Task./work item to demonstrate their status in a sprint. The task or work item labelled as Test Case Preparation. Inside of this task, The tester discuss about Test Scope/Functionality in Brief as well as Test Case Affected to address the product incrrement.

Figure 1. : – Test Case Preparation WorkItem Details

The Test Case Preparation requires the Test Case item which has the following details 

  • Title – It should Brief and Descriptive to the main functionality of the test Example : – Edit User Personal Detail
  • Steps – Are actions to be performed including Pre-Conditions, and Share Steps
  • Expected Results : – Are results to obtain after the execution of the actions
  • Attachment :- Help to demonstrate the behavior more to a reader. The attachment could be log, screenshot, e.t.c 
  • Other elements like Release, Tags

The test case has to be linked with the story to be user as part of a reference and continue updating. Test case can be labelled with Tags referring the functionality module , release version and so and so forth.


It is a step inside a test case. It. is usually written at the beginning of the test step. The main content of a pre-condition is to address the pre-steps that the test case should have before proceed the actually functionality. 

Figure 1: – Pre-Conditions

Shared Steps

It is one of the steps inside a test case.The shared step should include common steps to be used in every test case. Using a shared step could avoid writing the same steps in a different test cases again and again, and makes it easier to re-use and update one at a time.

Figure 2 – Shared Steps

Expected Results

It is referring the outcome of the steps or action the user performs . In the expected result , the statements are describing what it is displayed or presented after the user action. some of the expected results are the following

  • The File successfully closed
  • The page successfully opened having a list of users containing the column ID, Name, Age, Department,Sex, Salray
  • E.t.c

Figure 3 – Expected Results


These are resource or inputs to be used in the process of expecting the test. The attachment can be screenshot , logs, some input file to execute. The attachment could provide more information about what exactly the expected result or what to use an input to run the test case. Therefore it is very much important to add attachment that could provide more information about the nature of the test case/business requirement.

Figure 4 – Expected Results


It is one of the element that is applied in the test case in order to categorize or label the test case according to the business nature. Tags can have a release value, module name, other important name which could let us to simply and uniquely identify our test case.

Labelling a test case is key and it should be performed a standardized manner to uniquely identify test case.

Figure 5 – Tags

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