Bug Vs Regression
Question : – What is a Bug?
Answer: –
Bug is an issue related to the user requirement not correctly satisfied. Missing the requirement stated in the User Story is reported as a Bug.
Question: – What is a Regression Bug?
Answer: –
A bug caused due to the latest change of the application. As new developments are merged, they probably create a break of an existing functionality. Breaking as existing functionality could cause a regression. This kind of issues are reported through routine monitoring or on a dedicated regression round activity.
Reporting Issues
Question : -Can you name the important element When you reported Regression Bug?
Answer: –
- Title
- Reproducing Elements
- Preconditions,
- Steps,
- Current, & Expected behavior
- Attachement Screenshot, Video, Logs
- Severity and/or Priority
- Environments, Release
Severity vs Priority
Question: – What is the difference between Severity and Priority?
Answers : –
- Severity refers how the issue is sever interns of blocking the functionality or the application. Possible Values could be Critical, Hight, Medium, Low.
- Priority can be determined depending on the degree of severity. Possible Values could be High, Medium, Low.
Figure 1.0 : -Possible Environment
Questions : – What Possible Environment you know in the incremental delivery activity of a project?
Answer : – Demo, Test, Auto, CI, UAT, Pre-Prod, Production
Figure 1.1 : -Possible Environment
Test Status
Question : – How many test status are available?
Answer : – Passed, Failed, Blocked, Not Applicable
- Passed : – All are working as it is expected
- Failed :- Partially or fully not working
- Blocked :- It is impossible to perform the test due to some external factor – Environment not stable or not available
- Not Applicable : – Not possible to do the test because the solution not yet delivered or available in the environment you are working on.
Figure 1.2 : – Test Case Execution Status
Bug Flows
Question : : – Can you name the flow that an issue/ Bug/ Regression bug has to pass before reaching to resolv status?
Answer :-
To Do, In Progress/ Fixing / Under-Correction, Fixed / Ready For Test , Done
Figure 1.3 : – Bugs Fixing Status
Duties of Testers
Question : – Can you mention the duties of a Tester?
Answers : – Testers do have. different duties to perform on his day to day activities of testing. Some of the duties are
- Test Case Prepararion
- Testing User Stories/Requirements
- Performing Regression
- Performing Sanity Check
- Preform a Smoke Testing
- Automation Service, UI, Load Test
- Performing Smoke, Sanity, Regression Round
Testers Involvement
Testes are involved in a different meeting a scrum team. The meeting that a test should attend is used to share, gather information in a team and for other integration among team in a project. Some of the meetings that testers should follow
Questions : – What are the important meeting that a testers should participate?
Answers: –
- Sprint Daily
- Sprint Integration
- Sprint Review
- Sprint Grooming
- Other Meeting that a Tester should Involve as per the need and necessities.
Figure 1.4: – Scrum Methodology